14 February 2006

seventh heaven gets me every time

Tears in my eyes, I wonder how I'll do at the Jeopardy teen tournament I just switched to (it being seven now, of course). Will I be able to see the answers? Or might I have to throw out random questions-waterblindly shooting at an unlikely coincidence?

I have no idea.

Not even one about what I just wrote.

But, I've been reading frequently lately, and that feels good. I also feel like I am actually "getting it" in a way I hadn't before.

My new favorite computer program is Adobe Illustrator. But Photoshop is still up there, as are Garage Band, Pro Tools, and Final Cut Pro...

Happy Valentine's Day.

Adorno is God.

I feel patriotic. I did my taxes yesterday. Luckily, this bastardized country didn't charge me for all the crappiness I and the global community have had to endure. That's right, gimme all my money back! Alas, I suppose I can't actually have a say in the business of the country until it starts to keep my money...but oh well...

sand in my pants
itchy like hell
where'd it come from?
there's snow on the ground.

05 February 2006

salvation army, woooooooooooo!!!!!!

CS Lewis' "The Screwtape Letters"
