16 November 2005

A Very Merry Time

The Story of the Man Who Walked For a Living

Once there was a man who walked for a living. Every morning he would wake up, do his duty (as all hygenically-sound men of his time were known to do), and start on walking. After walking for about four hours, he would stop, look up at the sun (which was by this time directly overhead), and turn to his right. Then he would turn to his left. If, by chance, there existed a place of refreshment over either shoulder, he would stop there for lunch. If not, he would turn around and walk until he returned home again, hungry and thirsty for want of a proper break at noontime. Infinitely wise from his lifetime of walking, the man--before bed on the days he went hungry--would think to himself, "Tomorrow, I shall walk somewhere else."



So, it seems that this South Park Creation thing has created an explosion of interest, and procrasticreation at work and in the late-night-ness, how exciting! If you send me your folks, I'll be happy to post them here when I get a chance, and add them to the giant mosaic of people we know/knew/want to meet/be/etc...A very merry time, indeed.

Long day at Coach today. Was "asked" to stay two hours after my shift was to end because they were understaffed for the day, which, additionally, added up to a very tough morning with me as the only associate on the floor for three busy hours. Insanity. And leather.

My eye is twitching.

My iPod is dreaming.

Perhaps you are, too.


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