01 November 2005

a little light

I can't believe I just wrote a post like the one below. But I have.

To redeem myself, here are some final thoughts:

Topics on my research/performance docket:

1. Horror and Fright elements used in live performance. See: haunted houses as theatre, gory plays, heavy metal concert theatrics, michael jackson's face. Cinematic tools used live (done all the time in experimental performance)...the perfect blend of visual, textural, and sound elements, with attention to shadow, color, loudness, and precise timing...creating the sense of real or imagined danger, somehow stronger because it could be...is...real.

2. Fuck Richard Schechner.

3. How to eliminate the idea that pregnancy is a good thing. Questions to ask: What is being done by continuing the human race? How does it benefit you?? Be honest, you're selfish. Why give up your dreams right when you're about to reach them by giving life to a creature that will ultimately, also, fail to realize his/her dreams by giving birth...it's an endless cycle of unfulfillment, and denial. "But part of my dream is to raise a family," you say? Bullshit. That's society talking. The American Dream is a fascist ploy that ultimately results in only disappointment and despair and reinforces our belief in the legitimacy of the biggest bullshitter of all time, Sigmund Freud. Also--consider: fetus as parasite, a sexually transmitted cancerous parasite that often manages to survive on its own after a prolonged period with the host--vomiting, fatigue, fatness, lactation, hormonal imbalance, and intense physical pain are all negative negative negative side effects of being infected with child. Further: increased population is contributing to poverty, famine, global warming, war, and all sorts of blight--how far are we from a time of state-mandated birth control?? etc...

4. Kevin Michael Keating and the Vino Tinto Love Song Band -- me and Shannon Fillion...we're gonna record an album...and we're gonna be the next big stars at a Williamsburg hipster spot near you. P.S. Also to research--how to kill hipsterism and burn Williamsburg to the ground.

5. Two cola-themed solo performance pieces -- call them companion pieces if you will. The first, "Oneify" (pronounced Oh-nee-if-I) starring The Glamorous Woman -- "Even cool people cut themselves sometimes, but it still hurts." The second, "Ray Charles of Light" starring the Spectre of Sir Ray -- "Do you know what it's like to go blind and still be afraid of the dark?" Beautiness...Maybe add a third--a performance triptych...polar bear, anyone? Hmm....

good for the moment.

(I like the sound of that)


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